Al-Itqaan Fi Uloom Al-Quran Author: Jalal al-Din al-Khudayri Al-Suyuti Publisher: Maktaba Al-Ilm Lahore. This book by the noble author As-Suyuti, is an unprecedented addition to the Uloom or Sciences of the Qur’an. Abdul Qadir Muhammad Saleh; Ali Ibn Ahmad Al-Wahidi; Badruddin Zarkashi (d. Ahmad Sa'd ad-Damanhuri; Dr. Home › Forums › General › Uloom ul quran in urdu pdf Tagged: in, pdf, quran, Ul, Uloom, urdu This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by fuoswcjrmx fuoswcjrmx 1 year, 4 months ago. Viewing 1 post (of 1 total) Author Posts July 12, 2019 at 5:38 pm #94440 fuoswcjrmx fuoswcjrmxParticipant.
What are 'Uloom-al-Qur'an
[The Quranic Studies]
Uloom E Quran In Urdu Pdf
Muslims have from earliest times, appliedthemselves not only to the message from Allah - the Qur'an - but also to itssetting and framework, and the preoccupation with these ultimately developedinto the 'sciences' of or 'knowledge' about the Qur'an, known as 'ulumal-qur'an'. According to a general definition, 'ulum al-qur'an denotes studiesconcerned with the book of revelations sent down upon the last ProphetMuhammad, -its revelation, its collection, its order and arrangement, itswriting down, information about the reasons and occasions of revelation, aboutwhat was revealed in Makka and what in Madina, about the abrogating andabrogated verses, about the 'clear' and the 'unclear' verses. The aim of'ulum al-qur'an - is to help towards a better understanding of the Qur'anicmessage by providing information on its setting, framework and circumstances.To a great extent it is a descriptive account of the traditional subject of'ulum al-qur'an. In the following pages we will deal with some branches of theQur’anic Studies [Uûm-al Qur’ân]
History of the Qur’an:
An important field of the ulûme-Qur’an is the topic ofthe history of the Qur’an. It deels with the history of preservation andcompilation of the Qur’an . It deels with the stages of memorization and oraltransmission. Oral transmission of the revelation was based on hifzor memorisation and the Prophet Muhammad himself was the first to commit arevelation to memory after the Angel Gabriel had brought it to him:Suyuti mentions more than twenty well-known persons who memorized therevelation, among them were 'Ali, Ibn Mas'ud, , 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas, 'Abdullahbin 'Amr bin al-'As, Umm Salamaand others. In the later stages it was compiled.
It is an important field.This is called the sscience of Jam'al-qura'n or collection of the Qur’an. Muslim scholars have written wholebooks on this subject from the very early Islamic period. This field alsocontains enquiry about the Stages of Collection Different scholars havedistinguish Different stages: The beginning of the Writing down the Revelation.Whether it was during the Prophet’s period or after that. All these topics aredealt in this discussion Here the topic of Prophets being ummî is aslosometimes dealt. Did the Prophet himself write? The meanings of his beingilliterate or unschooled. Shia point of view is that the Prophet was unschoolednot illiterate. Although it is disputed whether the Prophet Muhammad knew howto write, there is unanimous agreement among scholars that Muhammad himself didnot write down the revelation. The scholars have also dealt with the topic thatwhy was no Book left by the Prophet? Why the Prophet Muhammad did not presentto his Companions the revelation collected and arranged in a single writtenvolume. They have given a number of reasons for this, which can be studied inbooks like Itqân of Suyûtî.

Then comes the topic of the Qur'an written during theProphet's Lifetime. Muslim scholars from the earliest times have dealt with theGenerally the Muslim scholars hold that the Qur’an was not only transmittedorally by many Muslims who had learned parts or the whole of it, but that itwas also written down during the lifetime of the Prophet. It is obvious thatthe history of the Qur'anic text cannot be compared with that of other HolyScriptures. While the books of the Old and New Testaments, for example, werewritten, edited and compiled over long periods, sometimes centuries, the textof the Qur'an, once revelation had ceased, has remained the same to this dayHowever, there were stages in which the Qur’an was written down First therewere suhuf or the segments written then Mushaf or the whole book. The scholarshave recorded and done a lot of research about the suhuf of thecompanions of the Prophet.
Study of the manuscripts of the Qur’an is a new science butancient Muslim scholars like Ibne Nadîm has studied and recorded themanuscripts. Al-Kindi (d. around 236/850) wrote in the early third century thatthree out of four of the copies prepared for 'Uthman were destroyed in fire andwar, while the copy sent to Damascus was still kept at his time at Malatja. IbnBatuta (779/1377) says he has seen copies or sheets from the copies of theQur'an prepared under 'Uthman in Granada, Marakesh, Basra and other cities.There are some early manuscripts extant even now There is a copy of the Qur'anin the Egyptian National Library on parchment made from gazelle skin, which hasbeen dated 68 Hijra (688 A.D.), i.e. 58 years after the Prophet's death. A copyof the Qur'an written by Hazrat 'Ali is kept in Najaf, Iraq, in the Daral-Kutub al-'Alawiya. It is written in Kufi script, and on it is written:'Ali bin Abi Talib wrote it in the year 40 of the Hijra'. Print started inmodern period; so the study of this subject is off course a modern addition tothe Quranic studies or the ulûm al Qur’an The first extant Qur'an for whichmovable type was used was printed in Hamburg (Germany) in 1694. The text isfully vocalised. Probably the first Qur'an printed by Muslims is the so-called'Mulay Usman edition' of 1787, published in St. Petersburg, Russia, followed byothers in Kazan (1828), Persia (1833) and Istanbul (1877) The Qur'anic text inprinted form now used widely in the Muslim world and developing into a'standard version', is the so-called 'Egyptian' edition, also known as the KingFu'ad
The study of the script of the Qur’an is also an interestingfield of study.. During the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad the script ofArabic consisted of very basic symbols, which expressed only the consonantalstructure of a word Khatte Kûfî was the first script in which the Qur’an waswritten. From this very basic system of writing there developed over the ages,various types of script, such as KdfF, Maghribl, Naskh, etc., which spread allover the world Muslims also developed intricate calligraphic designs to writethe Qur’an. Here art and religion is interwind. Two important stages that arespecially studied by classical scholars are the introduction of These were theintroduction of:- Vowelling marks (tashkil) and - Diacritical marks (i'jam)orto provide a letter with a diacritical point or nuqta.The early Arabic script hadneither voveleling marks nor nuqta. Peculiarities of the Ancient Writing aresudied in this field.
The order and arrangement (Tartîbe Nuzûl)
This is also an important field of the Ulûm al Qur’an or theQuranic Science. The First Revelation' ; to study the period when revelationceased for a certain period (called fatra)Chronology of the revelation alsocomes under this head. The scholars also have dealt about the last revelation.This field also deels with the reasons why the Qur'an was sent down in Stages.We know that The Qur'an was revealed in stages over a period of 23 years,andnot as a complete book in one single act of revelation Both the order of theayat within each sura and the arrangement of the suras are studied by thescholars. It is a fact that the present arrangement of surahs and ayahs is notin accordance with tartîbe Nuzûl or the revelatory order.Some scholars believethat the order was finally determined by the Prophet under guidance from theAngel Gabriel in the year of his death, . But it is also recorded that theorder of different companions like ‘Abdullah bin Mas’ûd and Hazrat Ali wasdifferent from the present order. So other scholars have believed that thoughQur’an is free from any alteration but the order of the Qur’an is not same asthe revelatory order. However it is not against the Divine purpose ; otherwiseAllah would have no allowed it to prevail as it is said “ We have revealed thisBook and We will preserve it”. Then what was the original order and what wasthe order of different compilations of the companions. All this is a vast fieldof studies and is thoroughly studied by classical and modern Muslim scholars
Difference in Readings
The Qur’an is the unique scripture which has a a single version fromthe time of the Prophet. All other scriptures have different version; but thereis only one version of the Qur’an. However, there have been some differences inspelling, pronunciations and vowels. The Islamic scholars have studied thistopic in detail.. Difference in vowel ling are extensively dealt by Suyûtî andothers.
The Qur'an has been revealed for guidance, for all times andsituations to come. However, various ayat were revealed at a particular time inhistory and in particular circumstances. The Arabic word sabab (pl. asbab)means reason, cause and 'marifa asbab al-nuzul' is the knowledge about thereasons of the revelations, i.e. the knowledge about the particular events andcircumstances in history that are related to the revelation of particular passagesfrom the Qur'an. This is a very vast field and hundreds of books have beenwritten on this topic. Muslim scholars made painstaking researches to find outthe occasion of the revelation of each sura and each âya. Asbâb an-Nuzûl is animportant branch of the Quranic studies or ulûm-al-Qur’an.
I’jâzul Qur’an [Miraculous Nature of the Qur’an]
The Qur’an has stated that it is the miracle of ProphetMuhammad. According to Islam all prophets of God are given miracles. Themiracle of our Prophet was an intellectual miracle-that is the Qur’an. Muslimscholars from the very early Islamic era to our own times have sudied differentaspects of the miraculous nature of the Qur’an, . It includes its prophecies,the stylistic miracle, how the Prophet who was unschooled uttered deepphilosophical truths, the inspirational aspect of the Qur’an -how it gave riseto a great civilization and changed a whole nation within an incredible shortperiod. The study of all these aspects of I’jâz-ul-Qur’an have developed into afull descipline which is part of the ‘Ulûm-alQur’an.
In Quran some verses contains rules that have beenabrogated by the later verses. The second are called nâshikh [abrogating] andthe first mansûkh or abrogated. This is another very popular field ofUlûm-al-Quran and numerous books have been written by important classicalscholars about this subject. To study the naskh and mansûkh verses, to find outwhich is nâsikh which is mansûkh and to enquire about their history.
This is another important field of the Quranic Studies or ulûmal Qurân. The Qur’an has been divide in ayahs and sûrah. Aya (pl. ayat)actually means 'sign'. In technical language it is the shortest division of theQur'anic text, i.e. a phrase or sentence. Sura (pl. Suwar) means literally'row' or 'fence'. In technical language, it is the passage-wise division of theQur'anic text, Scholars have also grouped the suras into four kinds: (long ones): 2-10. 2. al-mi'un: suras with approximately 100 ayat:10-35. 3. al-mathani: suras with less than 100 ayat: 36-49. 4. al-mufassal: thelast section of the Qur'an beginning with Sura qaf: 50-114. Other Divisions ofthe Text Juz' (pl. ajza') literally means part, portion. The Qur'an is dividedinto 30 portions of approximately equal length for easy recitation during thethirty nights of a month, especially of the month of Ramadan. Usually they areindicated by the word and the number of it given alongside, (e.g. juz' 30beginning with Sura 78). Some copies of the Qur'an have the suras divided intoparagraphs called ruku'. This field of the Quranic Studies [Uloome Quran]concerns the study of all such divisions and their history.
Uloom Ul Quran In Urdu
An important divisions of the suras is between those revealed inMakkah and those revealed in Madînah or after the Prophets migration toMadînah. Scholars have studied and tries to determine which sûrah or ayah isMeccan and which is Madanî. This field is itself a branch of Quranic studies.
Another field of the Ulûme Quran is the study of the Qur’an’s literaryform and style. Broadly speaking there are two main literary forms: - Prose. -Poetry. The Qur'an is not Poetry but its style is poetic. It employes thedevice of saj'.The word saj' is usually translated as 'rhymed prose', i.e. aliterary form with some emphasis on rhythm and rhyme, but distinct from poetry.Likewise the Qur’an is not like a classic Book, nor it is speech or oratoricalstyle but has its own peculiar style. It is a book of guidance and not mereliterature but from the point of view of literary merits it is a masterpiece.The Quranic oaths, Quranic metaphors and similes , Qurall are studied. Thisfield of ulûme-Qur’an studies these aspects of the Qur’an. From the earliestIslamic period exclusive boks have been written on this topic and are stillbeing written. So this itself is a vast field of study. Qisase Qur’an or theStories Narrated in the Qur’an: The Qur’an is a book of Guidance, but it hasrefereed to a number of historical events and the real historical stories ofthe prophets, especially the Israelite prophets in order to elucidate itsmessage and guidance. This is also an important field and hundreds of books arewritten on this topic
The study of Muhkamat and Mutashâbihât is another important field ofenquiry and numerous books have been written on this subject by the classicaland modern Muslim scholars. The word muhkamat in technical language refers to allclearly decided verses of the Qur'an, mostly those concerning legal rulings,but also to other clear definitions such as between truth and falsehood etc.This is what is meant by 'general muhkamat'. Mutashabihat (sg. mutashabiha) intechnical language refers to those verses of the Qur'an the meanings of whichare not clear or not completely agreed upon, but open to two or moreinterpretations.These are generally metaphorical and symbolic expression whichare always open to different interpretations. Generally the Qur'an those ayatdealing with halal and haram, punishments, inheritance, promise and threat,etc. belong to the mu,hkamat, while those concerning the attributes of Allah,the true nature of the resurrection, judgement and life after death etc. belongto the mutashabEhdt.
General and Specific (‘Âm-Khâs )
Some verses of the Qur'an are of a very wide, generalapplication (al-'am), e.g. including all human beings, or all Muslims etc.Other ayat are restricted in their application to certain special circumstancesonly (al-khas). Muslim scholars have taken painstaking labour to find out whichverse is ‘Âm and which is khâs. This is especially important in inferringlules from the Qur’an.
Al Muqatta'at:
The study of the abbreviations that are used at the beginning of somesuras s another important field of study. What is the purpose of these letters,what is their import and meaning and what are their spiritual significance ,all these topis have been dealt by the scholars.
There are many more fields that are included in the Quranic Studies or‘Ulûm-al-Qur’ân. We have not covered all of them. Even a cursory glance at thevarious branches of knowledge developed by a Muslim classical scholars in thefield of Quranic studies shows the vitality and profundity of the Islamicscholarship. It also shows the importance that the Qur’an held for the Muslimscholars throughout the ages However knowledge is a continuous process and muchcan be developed even now. Such Seminars are necessary to give impetus to theQuranic Studies , now and in future.
1. . Suyuti,Jalaluddin: al-Itqân fil ‘UlYmil Qur’ân
2. . Sabuni, Muhammad 'Ali: al-tibyan fi 'ulum al-qur-an,Beirut, 1970, p. 10.
3. . AHMAD VON DENFFER : Ulum al Quran :An Introduction tothe Sciences of the Qur'an 4. Ibne Nadîm: Fihrist 5. Attar, D.: Mujaz 'ulumal-qur'an, Beirut 1399/1979, p. 116 6. al-Wahidi al-Nisaburi: Asbab al-nuzul,by. Cairo, 1968, 'ghaib'.
DARUL ULOOM RAHEEMIAH ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY COMING UP ON DEOBAND PATTERN Bandipora, a township with peculiar scenic beauty is located in the foothills of the snow clad peaks of Harmukh overlooking the shores of Wular has produced hundreds, of scholars and intellectuals. Before 1947, this town was a big trade and literary centre of Kashmir. But after 47s episode, this township was continuously neglected and thus turned into a far-flung, backward area, still this township retained its literary tastes and the literacy rate of this township is the highest in the J&K State. Bandipora, the birthplace of great Historian, Hassan Khoehami, has been out of news for decades together but now this township is coming in the limelight because of the activities of the Darul Uloom Raheemia. It is being upgraded into a full-fledged Islamic University on the pattern of Darul Uloom Deoband in the heart of the townsh
ip. The Nazim (Administrator) of Darul Uloom Raheemia, claims that this Islamic University, will be the first of its kind in Jammu and Kashmir. Maulana Rahmatullah says that this University will consist of three main wings, that is, Hadees college, (Hadees-sayings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Tafseer college (Tafseer-interpretation of Quran) and Fiqah college [Jurisprudence]. There will be hostel facilities for one thousand students, a mosque where at a time one thousand people can offer Nemaz and if a congregation is held at least five thousand people can easily sit there. There will also be one hundred family quarters and some one room sets, a beautiful guest house, a fully equipped library and a reading room attached to it. When Maulana Rahmatullah was asked how he would shape the plans about the launching of a full-fledged Islamic university and what were his financial sources, he maintained that the donation from the Muslims of Jammu and Kashmir was the sole financial source of this institution. As for the other question of launching an Islamic University on the Deoband pattern he has a surprising story to tell. He says that the prime need for such a big plan was the availability of land. Darul Uloom Raheemiah is presently situated on a land which is not even sufficient to cater to the present needs while it cannot be extended from any side, because there is a graveyard and government hospital on one side whereas a stream and army barracks on the other side. The management of the Darul Uloom Raheemiah has estimated that at least fifty canals or 6 acres of land were needed, so they published an appeal in the Alnoor, (July, 1993) a monthly magazine published from Darul Uloom Raheemiah, for the same. Moulana Rahmatullah reveals that I was expecting that if people donated land, 50 canals can never come at a single site because there are only few families in the whole of area who have such a quantity of land situated at one place. But Allah is the Greatest. He knows how to deliver goods; only a couple of days after our appeal for donation of land, a pious widow approached us with a good news that she had decided to donate her 48 canals (6 acres) for the purpose. So this problem was solved. This fortunate pious lady was Aziz-u-Nisa widow of late Bashir Ahmed Baba. This pious lady who was in her eighties stressed upon us to complete the formalities of handing over of the orchard to us as early as possible and when these formalities were over, this good lady passed away on August 13,1993, just after a few weeks later when she donated the land. Aziz-u-Nisa was buried in a corner of this orchard as per her testimony. She was a pious Muslim and had taught Quran to hundreds of boys and girls of Nusu and adjacent villages of Bandipora. The site plan of the Islamic University has been drafted by the leading architects of Kashmir and has been sent to Devbandh for suggestions, after which this plan will be approved. For the time being, the management has started collecting the material for construction of the mosque, water tank and guest house in the first phase. A few temporary sheds have also been erected in the orchard where the educational activities have been started. Darul Aloom Reheemia, as Maulana Muhammad Rahmatullah Qasmi recalls was launched in September 1979, under the name of “Madrasah Islamia Arabia” after changing the name of Islamic Public School. Maulana Muhammad Rehamatulla, speaking of the days when he completed his studies at Darul Aloom, Devbandh, in 1979 said, “I was not even imagining that an Islamic Darsgah (School) can be launched so immediately, because whenever such a question arose, we used to prefer to work in any pre-establised Darsagh to make it grow on the pattern of Darul Aloom, Devbandh”. He further said that it was quite disheartening to see that not even a single Islamic educational school (especially of high education) in Jammu and Kashmir springing up, although it was predominantly a Muslim state. “In Bandipore, people used to stop me on road side and ask me to recite any Quranic verse as they were not believing me really to be a Hafizi Quran”, says Maulana Rahmatullah adding that ignorance of Islamic teachings was at its peak, so it was right and rather much needed step to launch an Islamic Institution. Moulana Rehamtullah made it clear that Darul-Aloom Raheemia is an independent institution with no links directly or indirectly with any political or non-political organisation. In the institution much stress is laid on the Islamic studies. The subjects are Tafseer (interpretation of Quran), Hadees (Saying of Prophet Muhammad SAW) Fiqa (Islamic Jurispradence) and Tajveed-u-Kirat (Right recitation of Quran). It is reported that when this institution was launched in 1979, the total number of students admitted was 11 and there were three teachers while the total annual budget was of the order of Rs 11,000. However, now i.e. in 1994, there are 225 students on roll and the strength of the staff is 37. The annual amount earmarked for the budget of the institution is Rs 13 lakh. The institution has so far produced 73 Hafizi Quran, 22 students who are Fareg-u-Tehseel Arabi (i.e. completed 20 subjects of Arabic course) that are Tafseer, Hadees, Asooli Tafseer, Asooli Hadees, Fiqa (all the four), Assoli Fiqa, Philosopy, Mantiq, literature, Sarf-u-Nahave (Mani Bayan), Seerat, History of Islam, Tajveed and Qirat, etc, 226 girls and 208 boys have qualified middle class with Denniyat (theology) as one of their subjects. Apart from this, thousands of pupil of various age groups have been taught how to read Quran here during these fifteen years. It may be stated that not limit of age is placed on those who wish to be imparted education in Quran.
Uloom Ul Quran Notes In Urdu

Uloom Ul Quran In Urdu Pdf
The present library is no doubt insufficient for an Islamic University but still it is one among the best Islamic libraries of the valley. There are several manuscripts of the Holy Quran housed in the library along with centuries old other manuscripts like,
- Mantak-I-Tayer by Shiekh Fareed-ud-Din Attar and the calligraphist is Moulvi Noor-u-Din.
- Fiqa-i-Akbar by Hazrat Imami Abu Haneefa (RA) and the calligraphist is Mir Fatullah s/o Mir Mazoor. This manuscript has been calligraphed in 1268 Hijrah.
- Virdul Muredeen a manuscript from by Hazrati Baba Dawood-i-Khaki (RA), the known desciple of Hazrat Sultan ul Arifeen Makhdoom Sahib (RA).
- A Quran in manuscript from written in golden ink.
There are other valuable books also in the library which are rarely available in J&K eg the books on Hadeeth are:-

- Fatehi Baree published in Egypt,
- Umdatul Qari published in Pakistan,
- Qastallani published in Egypt.
- Kirmani by Abdul Razaq published in Beruit.
- Musand-i- Ahmad Ibin Hanbal publised in Lahore, Musand-i-Ibni Abi Lulee by Ibni Abi Sheeba published in Pakistan.
- Byhaqi publised in Beeruit.
- Majmu-ah-Zavayid, published in Beerut.
- Fathi-i-Mulhem publised in Pakistan, Tahzeebul Tahzeeb published in Lahore.
- Al-Araba publised in Beeruit.
- Books on Tafsee (Interpretation of Quran)
- Tafseer-Kabeer publised in Egypt.
- Tafseeri Ibni Qaseer published in Berrut.
- Dur-i-Munsoor published in Iran.
- Rohul Ma-Aami published in Pakistan,
- Fi Zulali Quran published in Egypt.
- Zawahirul Quran published in Egypt,
- Tafseri-Kashan published in Egypt.
- Books on Fiqa (Islamic jurisprudence)
- Fathel-Taqdeer published in Pakistan.
- Alamgeeri published in Pakistan.
- Al-Bahral-Raiq published in Pakistan.
- Al-Risala by Imam Shafi (RA) published in Bomba
- Al-Um by Imam Shafi (RA) published in Bombay.
- Al-Mugnai (Hambli Fiqa) published in Berut.
- Fatawa-i-Tatar Khania published in Pakistan.
Uloom Ul Quran Books In Urdu Pdf
Apart from these there are other indepensable books also e.g,
Uloom Ul Quran Notes In Urdu Pdf
Shahnamai Islam by Allama Firdosi, Dairatul-Muarif-i-Islamia (Encyclopaedia) in arabic and its urdu translation. Complete file about important decision on Mirzayees (Ahamadies). Tareekh Nam-ia-Harat and History of Kashmir by Hassan Khoihami. Darul Ifta Wa Qaza (The Court of Islamic Justice) This section of Darul Aloom is headed by Mufti Nazir Ahmad, a renowned Islamic scholar, who judges on to the questions about different problems in accordance with the Islamic laws and principles. Hundreds of Muslims throughout Jammu and Kashmir are benefited by issuing Fatawas every day. The locals attend the court personally. However, people from far-flung areas seek guidance through mail. Mufti Nazir Ahmad head of this court has qualified from Deoband in 1985 and has completed M.A. Urdu from Rampur University Up in 1987. Hailing from Bonjwa, Kishtwar Mufti Sahib is highly respected throughout the valley for this scholarship and intellectual integrity.
